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Avengers: Infinity War : Movie Reviews summary from critics

A decade of the MCU’s efforts pays off in a massive way as Avengers: Infinity War delivers on all the hype with blistering action, relentless humour, and all the actors swinging for the fences. Neil Soans – Times of India
“Avengers: Infinity War” takes you places that most superhero movies don’t and where you may not want to go. Michael O’Sullivan Washington Post
This is the most intense, complex, and stirring Marvel Cinematic Universe film yet — though the sheer number of characters and storylines might make it a little challenging for non-hardcore fans. Michael Ordona – Common Sense Media
Infinity War will challenge many a moviegoer, especially young ones. Paul Asay – Plugged In
Avengers: Infinity War delivers an exciting culmination of the MCU, though it’s overstuffed and suffers from certain typical Marvel movie problems. Molly Freeman – Screen Rant
A brashly entertaining jamboree, structured to show off each hero or heroine and give them just enough to do, and to update their mythologies without making it all feel like homework. Owen Gleiberman – Variety
Moments that touch the heart are few and far between in this almost-culmination of a decade of Marvel Comics movies. Joe Morgenstern – Wall Street Journal
Every character has a parallel track running with the others & the makers nail it in avoiding any sort of confusion. Umesh Punwani – Koimoi
“Avengers: Infinity War” is puzzlement and irritation and also, yes, delight. The action is especially tedious, but the final act brings a chill that represents something new in this universe. A.O. Scott 0 The NYTimes

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