Sunday, September 29, 2024

Cashless medical insurance

It is regretted that even public-sector Insurance Companies have joined private-sector ones in their cold attitude towards their respective customers when large number of major hospitals were de-listed by these public-sector Insurance companies for extending cashless benefits for availing medical facilities through mediclaim policies. It is a breach of contract when the facility was discontinued uninformed to policy-holders suddenly from 01.07.2010.

However Insurance companies for future can issue two types of mediclaim policies, with cashless policies applicable at all hospitals as before, at some higher premium than normal policies without cashless facility during treatment. But any such system should be for new policies only. It is senseless to breach the contract with policy-holders by midway termination of any earlier prevailing facility including of cashless mediclaim at different hospitals.

Union government should merge all public-sector Insurance companies in one united company to save largely on advertisements and overheads.

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