Thursday, June 27, 2024
IndiaJammu and Kashmir

LK Advani hits out at Geelani over Kashmir

New Delhi, Sep 4 : Former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president in his latest blog entry has voiced his concerns on the ongoing turmoil in the Kashmir valley hitting out at Hurriyat Conference Chief Syed Ali Shah Geelani for sticking to their demand for the valley?s freedom from India.

Advani on Saturday wrote that the Hurriyat chief in a press conference last week ?brazenly? stated that despite the changing methods of resistance their objective of freedom from India rule remained consistent.

Indicating his resentment against the demands which Geelani made, spelling out the five minimum conditions for reviewing the ongoing agitation which had created anarchy in the valley, Advani posted the demands made by Geelani.

?India must accept that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is disputed territory; start demilitarization; scrap Armed Forces Special Powers Act; Prime Minister must guarantee that hereafter there would be no police firing, no arrests,? Advani blogged.

?All ?political? prisoners, including Afzal Guru, sentenced to death by Supreme Court for planning the attack on Parliament, must be released. Security men and police responsible for action against the separatists must be punished,? he added.

Advani also criticised the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance Government was handling the situation, especially questioning Home Minister P Chidambaram?s approach to the issue.

?During the last fortnight of the Monsoon Session of Parliament, the Lok Sabha had a day long discussion on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir,? he wrote.

?Home Minister Shri Chidambaram was expected to reply to the debate the next day. But day after day kept passing by, the unconcluded debate on Kashmir would never find mention in the list of business,? the former president of India?s main opposition party wrote.

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