Saturday, June 29, 2024
Jammu and KashmirTop News

Kashmir violence: 4 killed, curfew imposed

Srinagar : After a relatively calm week, tensions in Kashmir flared up again as at least four youths were killed and about 17 were injured in clashes with law enforcers on Monday, reports said.

Sources say Police allegedly opened fire opened fire on a mob at Palhalan on the Srinagar-Baramulla highway as thousands staged demonstrations against the recent killings of civilians.

As violent protests continued into late last night, a curfew reportedly has been imposed on eight police station areas here in the

Stone pelting protesters, who came on to the streets following the special night prayers, attacked several police stations after the death of the youths.

The police have reportedly launched a probe into Monday?s shooting and officials said ammunition from the policemen is being checked to fix responsibility.

The valley has been experiencing simmering tensions for over three months now as clashes between violent protesters and the security forces continue to claim lives.

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