Saturday, February 1, 2025

Alarming report on distturbing Sex Ratio in India

It refers to alarming reports of census-2011 revealing sharp decline in sex-ratio of females now at as low as 914 against males. UCL Centre for International Health and Development has predicted that India may have 20-percent more men than women in next 20 years. Mere celebrating Girl-Child day on 24th January every year is not enough. Registration of properties in women?s names showed remarkable rise in Delhi after stamp-duty on such deals was subsidized for women. Union and state governments in India should take all possible measures for similar concessions like reduction of VAT and other taxes on items like vehicles registered in name of women. Interest-rates for home and other loans may be subsidized while on deposits it can be extra for women. Some fields like gynaecologists in medical-science should be exclusively for women or at least 75-perecent reservation for women. (In Pakistan, even autopsy of dead female bodies is not allowed by male doctors.) Females should have a sense of security by having automatic and instant rights in husbands? ancestral and personal property but only for married life without divorce. Idea should be that birth of female child may be taken as necessity and boon rather than bane!

But real blame lies with our male dominated Parliament where handful of Parliamentarians could allow passing of Women Reservation Bill to continue domination of male in Indian society where women in general are in such a pitiable condition that abortion of female foeticide is much common. One of main causes of female foeticide is high expenses on marriage of girls. India should follow Pakistan by allowing only soft drinks and simple beverages in marriage-related functions. Mega-budgeted marriages should not be attended by persons holding official posts. Gifts in cash or kind received at marriages should be compulsorily reported to tax-authorities. Since most marriage-expenses are done by unaccounted money, government should take every step to check parallel flow of black economy also by discontinuing printing of currency in denominations above one hundred rupees.

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