Saturday, February 1, 2025

Do not allow finance on booking DDA flats

It refers to booking of DDA flats where banks (both private and public sector) are competing to finance the booking amount. But this rush is not of genuine and needy buyers. Rush for applying flats is because of desire to sell flats at premium on being allotted, and most of such non-genuine applicants emerge because banks are providing finance on booking-money. Only stake for applicants applying through finance-booking is interest-loss on booking-amounts for some months which applicants take as some ?lottery-amount? in hope to get huge premium in case of allotment of flats.

Government should impose a total ban on direct or indirect finance on booking of flats and plots advertised by any government-agency (central or state) so that only genuine and needy applicants may book flats/plots by actually investing full booking-amount. Instead easy finance should be made available to first allottees on being allotted such flats/plots.

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