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Kaun Banega Crorepati winners, drama or real?

Read Latest News : Bihar?s Sushil Kumar first to win Rs.5 crore on KBC-5

It refers to surprise one-crore win by Rahat Tasleem in on-going fourth season of ?Kaun Banega Crorepati? (KBC). It is beyond understanding how flowers were sprinkled on the set when the final jumbo-question with winning amount of rupees five crores was pending. Such flowers were not sprinkled on the earlier winning candidate in rupees one-crore slot a few days ago when the contestant slipped down to rupees 3.20 lakhs because he opted for a (wrong) reply for the jumbo question of rupees five crores. Psychologists can confirm that at no time, Rahat Tasleem or her accompanying husband could be seen with a natural excitement which should have been there for such a huge and unexpected win.

Even in its earlier seasons, KBC has been in controversy with allegations of manipulations with even a writ having been filed at Delhi High Court. Minute viewing of complete episode of Brijesh Dubey (Guna) winning one crore in KBC-II left many viewers in doubt if the game-show was actual or dramatised like is usually done in its other episodes participated by celebrities! There were also rumours that huge prize-amounts are dramatised in TV game-shows to authenticate unaccounted money. Complete episode should have been compared with one in first phase when Amitabh Bachchan jumped in natural excitement after Harshvardhan Navate first won one crore.

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