Thursday, January 30, 2025

Packing medicines

Government rightly made it compulsory to print medicines? names in Hindi also. Many-a-times name of medicine is printed only once on a complete strip of tablets/ capsules, thereby causing great confusion when the tablet/ capsule under the printed name are consumed. It is difficult to recognise medicine in balance of the strip having no name of the medicine. Authorities should make it compulsory to print name of the medicine on complete strip under every tablet/ capsule. Moreover it should also be compulsory to print/ emboss name of the medicine individually on each tablet/ capsule.

Union government should introduce metric-system of packaging in medicines in true spirit by making it compulsory to pack medicines in units of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 500 gms/mltrs/kgs/litres/units unless exemption is sought for some dose-wise administration. Many drug-manufacturers pack commonly used cough-lozenges in strips of eight instead of normal 10 because commonly consumers judge price per strip rather than a lozenge.


(Guinness Record Holder for letters in Newspapers)

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