Saturday, February 1, 2025

Pakistan Hindus seeking VISA extension in India

It refers to a blunt inhuman denial by Indian government to request of extension of visa from some Pakistani Hindus presently on a limited-time pilgrimage-visa in India. Did Indian government ever image about fate of these Pakistani Hindus when they will return to Pakistan? They are liable to treated in still more inhumanly because of their courage to raise voice in India against atrocities on them in Pakistan.

Since ruling Congress accepted two-nation theory based on religion at time of country’s independence in the year 1947, it is morally duty-bound to take care of minority Hindus left in Pakistan. A recent RTI response reveals that Indian government will not intervene in pitiable situation of Hindus in Pakistan because of Shimla-agreement of 1971 even though there is no direct reference about Pakistani Hindus in that agreement. Otherwise also, after Pakistan having broken terms of Shimla agreement both in letter and spirit repeatedly, there remains no sense that Indian government may ignore plight of Pakistani Hindus in such an inhuman manner.

According to European Organization of Pakistani Minorities (EOPM), an NGO working for the rights of minorities in Pakistan, Pakistani army is sexually assaulting minority women and using them as sex slaves. EOPM quoting an example of one 23-year old school-teacher Zarina Marri has alleged that army-officials take women from minority communities to torture camps, rape and then use them as sex slaves. EOPM even found that religious minorities in Pakistan are deliberately kept low in census-figures to deny them greater representation. Already Pakistan lists seventh amongst top ten countries notorious to be dangerous for religious minorities. India which has a natural cause of concern towards religious minorities of Pakistan, should co-relate with EOPM in its demand for a special UN session to discuss plight of religious minorities in Pakistan.

One thought on “Pakistan Hindus seeking VISA extension in India

  • really india is worst country which i born.
    here majority people not having rights like minorities.
    it is one of the worst democracy country and vote bank politics



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