Saturday, February 1, 2025

Setting of units by foreign manufacturers should be mandatory linked with import

India is world?s largest consumer-base importing items of day-to-day use in large numbers like mobile-phones, computer-related articles and many others. India is definitely on imposing its terms on such imports. Many of the imported items are manufactured in collaboration in countries other than country of original manufacture owning the brand. Then why such companies owning popular brands are not made to set up their production-units in India itself?

Indian government should link import of largely used items with condition that brand-owning company may set up production-unit in India itself at least in cases where manufactured items are not being directly imported from the country of origin where the brand-owning company exists.

Secondly, since original toner and ink cartridges of computer-printers are sold at exorbitant prices by original manufacturers, condition should be that such accessories will be allowed to be manufactured by any desiring Indian manufacturer for making these available to consumers at much cheaper prices.

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