Saturday, February 1, 2025

What the Youths think Today , the World will do tomorrow

?The world we have produced is the product of our thinking. It will not change unless we change our thinking.? -Albert Einstein

Thought is the key to action . Any work is first thought, planned and then accomplished successfully. Every deed is the result of a successful consideration . and today the power vests in the hands of young , thoughtful and diligent people . These people i.e. the youths have the capacity to bring a change in the present .

The young minds of today have the courage to stand among the odds . They do not bend before any power and thus, have the capacity to reform the present society . In the past history too, we have seen many examples who dared to fight against the society and transform the whole world .

For instance , Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of super power , America , dared to oppose the slavery when it was as its extreme . People opposed him and even revolted . But this Abraham Lincoln was, later onwards, considered to be the saviour of U.S.A.

Similarly, the example of Mahatma Gandhi can be taken in this case . He fought for independence by the unique path of non violence or ?ahimsa? when the Britishers were using their power to crush people . But still he dared and now is considered to be the father of our nation .

Youths have a modern thinking . They believe in universal brotherhood and respect each and every religion . They have religious tolerance and are not like people who try to harm religions for the propagations of their religion , the latest example being of burning of churches in Orissa . Youths do not appreciate such acts and hence are capable of setting up a secular society .

The young blood think of the whole world as a global community . They wish to set up friendly relations with everyone and believe in exchange of help with everyone . The youths try to build a universal society and hence , try to set up a peaceful universe .
Modern youths always try to obtain full advantage of the developing technology . This thinking will always improve , work efficiency and better utilization of time . This would clearly help in the development of our country . Youths have a better knowledge regarding devices and equipments which clearly improve the economic conditions of countries .

Although the youths are crazy for modern technology , still they are conscious regarding the degradation of environment . The young minds have concern regarding the deforestation , pollution , scarcity of minerals etc. They try to use renewable source and actively participate in environmental protection activity such as Chipko Movement , Rainwater harvesting etc. This type of thinking would clearly make earth a better place to live.

There are many other factors which put the ball in their court. They have great stamina and hence can strive hard . In This developing world, the young are matured earlier and thus can face and fight the odds or difficulties of life .Youths are determined , hard-working and responsible , so they would become better human beings .

All the above factors prove that the youth are greatly and will be more successful in every field . The world has to work under the youths as they are the followers of today and will be the leaders of tomorrow . So the youths should be given more freedom to perform and act according to their wishes . Then the future world would become a utopian society . And so the statement should not be like what the youths think today , the world will tomorrow but something like what youths think today , the world will have to do tomorrow .

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