World Snap

Pranab unveils new ASSOCHAM Logo

Union Finance Minister ?Pranab Mukherjee Sunday unveiled the new logo of ASSOCHAM at an interactive meeting with the industry leaders here.

The new identity is based on the vibrant energy of the sun.

The Finance Minister appreciated the constructive approach of ASSOCHAM which advocated a collaborative effort between the government and industry for?? ?Making Inclusive Transformation Happen?.

Speaking on the occasion, ASSOCHAM President Dilip Modi said, ?ASSOCHAM has taken a humble step to present itself as a chamber dedicated to creating an Inclusive India- embodying the ideals of knowledge and goal of empowering our people.’

“The new ASSOCHAM logo reflects thorough the sun and the lotus ? an energetic and youthful India which is the source of truth and vibrant thought leadership.?

The new identity has been conceptualised and designed by Shanoo Bhatia, Chairman ASSOCHAM Design Committee and Founder Director Eureka Moment.

Explaining the concept further, she said, ?The Assocham visual identity is conceptually layered; the sun signifies supremacy and energy, the lotus is symbolic of knowledge and purity, the sun rays extending in eight directions are evidence of the idea of inclusive and sustainable growth.?

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