Former Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan is likely to be questioned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the Adarsh Housing scam, reports said on Wednesday.
Media reports said besides Chavan, the CBI will also quiz all the 103 members of the Adarsh housing society.
CBI will question Chavan, who had to resign from the chief minister?s post over the scam, on whether he signed a letter recommending 40 per cent allotment of flats meant for Kargil war widows and fighters to civilians.
Chavan would also be questioned for the flats in the housing society allegedly held by his relatives.
The CBI will also cross check if occupation certificates were issued to the flat dwellers during his tenure.
Heads are rolling in the Adarsh Housing scam in which the flats meant for the Kargil heroes and widows were allotted to army top brass, politicians and kins of politicians.