Tuesday, April 1, 2025

The Barack Obamas leave for Indonesia

New Delhi : After a three-day India visit that charmed their hosts, US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday left New Delhi for Indonesia for the second leg of their four-nation 10-day Asia tour.

The US first couple was given a send-off by Minister-in-Waiting Salman Khursheed and Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao among others as their Air Force One took off from here around 8.54 AM.

The visit of the Obamas opened a new chapter in the bilateral relations between the two largest democracies of the world.

Obama stuck 20 deals during his trip to generate over 53,000 jobs in USA, a much needed shot in his arm after an election bruising.

In a stirring address that saw Indian lawmakers rising in collective applause in the Parliament, US President Barack Obama on Monday bowed before the idea of India invoking Gandhi and Tagore, while telling Pakistan to punish the Mumbai attack perpetrators and endorsing India?s bid for a permanent UN Security Council seat.

?? I can say today – in the years ahead, I look forward to a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member,? Obama told the Indian Parliament during a stirring address that earned him huge applause.

US President Barack Obama asked Pakistan to stop exporting cross-border terrorism and to act against Mumbai attack perpetrators.

?We will continue to insist to Pakistan’s leaders that terrorist safe-havens within their borders are unacceptable, and that the terrorists behind the Mumbai attacks be brought to justice,? Obama said while addressing the joint session of both houses of Indian Parliament at the Central Hall here.

Obama said USA have worked with Pakistan government to address cross-border terrorism.

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