After trying her luck in Bollywood, actress Aamna Sharif is back on the small screen after a hiatus of five years. She will essay the lead role in new show “Honge Judaa Na Hum”.
Aamna’s last fiction show was Star Plus’ “Kahiin to Hoga“, which ended in 2007 and gained her tremendous popularity.
Her new show will go on air on Sony Entertainment Television.
The male lead opposite the actress is yet to be finalised. Those being considered for the role include Aamir Ali, Eijaz Khan, Rakesh Vashisht and her “Kahiin Toh Hoga” co-star Rajeev Khandelwal.
Aamna made her Bollywood debut with the movie “Aloo Chat” in 2009, and then went on to do films like “Aao Wish Karein” and “Shakal Pe Mat Jaa”.