Director Mohit Suri and actress Udita Goawami tied the knot Tuesday evening at Hare Rama Hare Krishna temple in a traditional Punjabi wedding attended my family and a few close friends from the film fraternity.
The bride walked in a very traditional attire wearing a red lehenga choli with detailed embroidery all over while Suri walked in wearing a red stylish sherwani.
The occasion turned out to be a very private affair with close family members and a few friends. Bollywood celebrities like Dia Mirza, Kangana Ranaut, Mahesh Bhatt, Mukesh Bhatt, Anurag Basu, Jacquline Fernandis, Vikram Bhatt, Shraddha Kapoor were present to bless the newly-weds.
The reception will be held on Jan 31 at Mahalakshmi race course.