Monday, February 3, 2025
Movie Review

Shark Night Movie Review : 2.5 out of 5 Stars

Film: “Shark Night”;

Cast: Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack;

Director: David R. Ellis;

Rating: ** 1/2

The big screen doesn’t seem to get enough of limbs underwater being ripped apart by fiery creatures from the deep. There was the despicable “Piranha 3DD” a few months back and now there’s “Shark Night”. Yet, the latter is a surprisingly better film in a sea of ‘teen animal horror’ monstrosities and it packs good special effects.

A weekend get away into a lake house turns horrible for six college kids as a shark rips apart one of their friends’ limbs. Even as they are trying to help their wounded friend while trying to figure out the presence of shark in a lake not connected to the ocean, their nightmare intensifies as they realise that there are perhaps more than one shark.

There are many problems with the script. Firstly, despite being a film that is not rooted in reality, the script stretches the limits of believability a bit too much. A bit is acceptable, but to stretch it up to such an extent is detrimental to the film.

Secondly, there are many plot inconsistencies and lack of believability when it comes to the collection of sharks. The stated intention (cannot be revealed as it will mar the film’s enjoyment) also seems to be a bit too contrived.

Having said that, it is better than most of the films in the category. One can give an example of the brainless monstrosity called “Piranha 3DD”. In comparison, “Shark Night” plays its cards well, giving you a chill and a thrill that the former lacked completely.

The characters are also casted fairly decently. Yet, what will get you totally inspired, are the sharks. The effects have been handled so well, that a few moments, staring through their sharp teeth into their deep neck, will give you the creeps.

In a couple of scenes, the sharks literally jump off the water, like flying fish, to grab its prey. The effects, most of which have been done in India at Reliance Mediaworks, and the decent sprinkling of the same across the film, gives the film an extra edge.

The gore and blood, thus does not seem out of place or excessive to the story. It fits in perfectly.

Overall an overstretched, but fun little film that will not only give you cheap thrills, but also some laughs. So what if some of it is on the ridiculous plot.


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