Monday, February 17, 2025

Independence day celebrations at RedFort

Empty chairs on ramparts on Red Fort during Independence Day celebrations on 15th August exhibited lack of duty of those in legislature towards the solemn occasion. Government ensures filling of seats meant for officers by giving necessary directions to those entitled to attend the ceremony at Red Fort. But it should also be ensured that seats reserved for Ministers and Parliamentarians are also occupied fully.

It is unfair that children only from government or government-aided schools are made to participate in the function. Children of rich families from elite public-schools should also participate at main Independence Day celebrations at Red Fort.

Prime Minister Dr Manmohansingh should be complimented for his determined stand on Women Reservation Bill when he boldly ruled out any dilution to the Bill by expressing that one-third seats would be reserved for women in legislature.

(Guinness Record Holder for letters in Newspapers)
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