Monday, July 1, 2024

Nitin Gadkari questions UPA?s ?hesitation? over black money issue

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president Nitin Gadkari on Wednesday questioned the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government?s ?hesitation? to make public black money hoarders names.

Slamming the Central government over the issue, Gadkari said, ?I fail to understand why the UPA is not taking strong action in this matter.?

?What is the reason for this hesitation?? he questioned.

Referring to the UPA?s affidavit before the Supreme Court that it was tied by international treaties not to make public names of account holders in foreign banks, Gadkari said, ?This hesitation of the government to divulge the names ? that is the million dollar question now.?

?Maybe the Congress is trying to save their leaders from being red-faced once the names are made public,? Gadkari said, hinting that Congress leaders had money kept away in foreign banks.

The BJP has been hitting out at the ruling Congress over the black money issue, an issue which has also seen the Supreme Court directing strong words against the government for its slow action.

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