The Opposition alliance in poll-bound Tamil Nadu, led by J Jayalalithaa’s AIADMK, suffered a setback as Vaiko’s MDMK decided to boycott the polls following differences over seat-sharing arrangement with the bigger partner.
Vaiko said his party will boycott the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry elections after being offered much lesser number of seats by the AIADMK than the MDMK had asked for.
The MDMK wanted at least 21 seats to contest in this elections, after having fielded candidates in 35 seats in last polls.
However, Jayalalithaa had offered the party only 12 seats.
The MDMK, in a five-page resolution adopted at the end of a marathon party meeting that ended early Sunday morning, said it was pained at the treatment by the AIADMK.
?The attitude of the AIADMK leadership while dealing with the MDMK in seat-sharing agreement and the manner in which the party has been treated, has hurt the sentiments of the party cadres,? the resolution said.
Accusing Jayalalithaa of working with an ‘arrogant’ attitude, the MDMK said: ?Our belief that she might have changed her attitude over the years, has proved wrong.?
?As a long-time and trusted ally, the AIADMK should have invited the MDMK first and finalised the seat-sharing deal. But it did not do so and deliberately ignored us,? it added.
Jayalaithaa has brought actor Vijaykanth’s DMDK into the Opposition alliance and given 41 seats to the party.
The state goes to the polls on April 13.