Thursday, March 13, 2025

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law converts to Islam

Former British prime Minister Tony Blair?s sister-in-law Lauren Booth has converted to Islam citing a religious awakening six weeks ago on a visit to a shrine in the Iranian holy city of Qom.

She now covers her head with a hijab when she leaves home, has given up alcohol and pork and visits a mosque ?when she can?, the 43-year-old journalist and human rights campaigner told The Mail on Sunday.

Tony Blair on his part, in an interview aired on NDTV on Monday, said that he believed that there was a ?strain of extremism? in Islam itself, when asked if he thought that terrorism was rooted in Pakistan.

Often actively critical of Blair?s policies, especially his attitude towards his role as Middle East peace envoy, and a long sympathiser with the Muslim cause, Lauren Booth said she was very content and proud of converting to Islam.

?I always felt that the ummah [Muslim community] is a very loving, peaceful place and I am proud to be a member of it,? she was quoted as saying.

Booth said she had decided to convert immediately after returning from Iran and described her moment of truth as ?I sat down and felt this shot of spiritual morphine, just absolute bliss and joy.?

Booth?s statements created quite a ripple as she announced “What I wanted to share with you today is that I am Lauren Booth and I am a Muslim?, speaking to the newspaper after a multi-faith Global Peace and Unity Event in London on Saturday.

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