Thiruvananthapuram : Kannada film actress Jayamala was chargesheeted on Tuesday by the Kerala police for her visit to the Lord Aiyyappa’s temple at Sabarimala four years ago in violation of the temple rules.
The actress had landed herself in a storm of outrage over four years ago when she claimed to have entered the temple that women who have reached menstruation age are not permitted to enter.
Kerala police filed the indictment against the 50-year-old actress in the Pathanamthitta judicial magistrate court on Tuesday.
She was charged along with astrologer Unnikrishnan and his assistant Raghupathi for their “deliberate and malicious act” intended to outrage religious feeling under Section 295 A of the Indian Penal Code.
In 2006, the admission by the yesteryear?s heroine of entering the temple in 1986 had led to strong protests among the devotees of Lord Aiyyappa.