In a turn of events, Karnataka Governor H R Bhardwaj finds himself in the centre of a national political controversy as a high profile BJP delegation is set to call on President Pratibha Patil on Monday demanding that the Head of the state is recalled immediately for overstepping his constitutional limits.
The BJP move follows the Governor’s approval on Friday for prosecution of Chief Minister B S Yeddyurappa on corruption charges.
The party delegation includes top leaders like L K Advani, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley.
The BJP alleged that the Governor was functioning as a ‘political agent’ of the Congress.
Chief Minister Yeddyurappa was in Delhi on Sunday to meet with party leaders to chalk out the strategy.
Describing the Governor’s act as ‘an insult to the people of Karnatka’, he said he would meet Union Home Minister P Chidambaram and explain the matter.
“This is not the first time Mr Bhardwaj is doing like this. As soon as he became the Governor of Karnataka, he started this. He may be representing Congress even today; he wants the BJP should go and Congress should come to the rule,” Yeddyurappa claimed.
Yeddyurappa himself will be a part of the BJP delegation, which will call on the President.
The CM is also preparing papers to move the court against the Governor’s decision to sanction his prosecution.
Meanwhile, BJP general secretary Prakash Javadekar said the party was initiating an inquiry into the land scam charges against the CM.