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A tidal wave in our favour: Jayalalithaa

AIADMK chief J Jayalalithaa said her party will garner no less than 218 seats in the 234-member Tamil Nadu assembly, claiming a tidal wave of support for her and a cyclonic storm of anger against her rival DMK led by M Karunanidhi.

?I am very confidence that our alliance will sweep the polls,? the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) leader told NDTV at a campaign trail interview on Thursday in Erode.

She said while opinion polls have predicted 164 to 184 seats for her alliance, she will bag around 218 seats in her own assessment.

?The main issue is the all pervasive corruption indulged by Karunanidhi [Tamil Nadu chief minister and the DMK head], his family members, and the DMK,? she said, adding that people would vote against the domination of one family in the state.

She said all theories supporting DMK will be gone with the wind.

?There is a tidal wave of support in our favour, a great cyclonic storm of anger against Karunanidhi and his family and the DMK,? she told the channel.

On his alliance troubles and the failure to forget an alliance with Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK) chief Vaiko, she said there is no falling out with Vaiko, though she tried her best to persuade him to be in the alliance.

She said the demands of seats by Vaiko was unrealistic, but she would continue to respect him.

On Karunanidhi?s claim that he would again be the chief minister, Jaya said: ?Hard luck.?

She said after the results, Karunanidhi will realises the follies of his actions and those of of his daughters and sons and ?will have plenty of time to ruminate? over them.

Jayalalithaa also slammed the “north Indian news channels and English channels” for painting her with the same corruption brush as they do for Karunanidhi, challenging to prove that in her whole career she had ever done anything like her rivals.

She said she had come out clean from at least 12 cases slapped against her.

With just five days to go for the Tamil Nadu assembly polls, campaign has reached feverish pitch in Tamil Nadu where the ruling M Karunanidhi-led Dravida Munnettra Kazhagam (DMK) in alliance with Congress is pitted against the alliance of AIADMK led by Jayalalithaa.

In the Tamil Nadu elections for its 234 assembly seats, Congress and DMK are fighting the polls in an alliance.

Congress is contesting in 63 seats after DMK agreed to the figure following a hard bargaining and a near split in the alliance.

DMK is contesting 121 seats, while its partners PMK is fighting in 30, VCK 10, KMK 7, IUML two and MMK one.

AIADMK is fighting the polls with alliance partners like the Left parties and the DMDK of actor-turned-politician Vijayakant.

While AIADMK has fielded candidates in 160 seats, the Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) is contesting in 41 seats.

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