Thursday, January 30, 2025
KolkataWest Bengal

Kolkata hosts digital library management conference

The ?International Conference on Digital Library Management? was inaugurated here on Tuesday with an aim to provide an international forum for sharing of experiences among people belonging to multiple professional sectors.

The conference is the first international event on digital libraries being held in the eastern fringes of the country and will focus on contemporary issues related to development of digital libraries and their impact on the modern library system.

?The amount of information we can pick up in few seconds is enormous, this is possible due to digital library,? Tapan Raychoudhury, former professor and director of Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, said at the conference whose theme is ?Extending benefits of modern technology to public, academia and special libraries?.

?The first thing that is needed is surely to familiar the readership with the technology, once they get command over the technique he can easily use it in modern life,? he mentioned.

He also said that he feels that technology and technological development has revolutionized the modern world.

?There are good and bad parts of the availability of knowledge, however, the role of digital library is extremely important,? Shahid Hasan, Associate Director, TERI, New Delhi, said.

About 400 participants and experts in the field of digital library systems from 15 countries will attend the conference.

Information scientists, Knowledge Workers, Policy Makers, Museoligists and Academicians from both domestic and international arena will share, discuss and engage in charting the future course of libraries in the coming future.

K K Banerjee, Director, RRRLF, Kolkata and Ardhendu Sen, IAS, Distinguish Fellow, TERI, New Delhi and former Chief Secretary, Govt of West Bengal, were resent at the conference on Tuesday evening.

The conference is organised by The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI) and Raja Rammohun Library Foundation (RRRLF) and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, commenced from Jan 1 and will continue till Jan 13.

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