Friday, June 14, 2024
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Sachin has been offered a 5 Bedroom house?

After being first Cricketer in Rajya Sabha, Sachin Tendulkar has been offered a free five-bedroom house as a perk of his new post as a member of parliament. According to report, house offered to Sachin is in central Delhi.

Sachin Tendulkar  is already multi-millionaire due to his cricket success and promoting so many brands.


3 thoughts on “Sachin has been offered a 5 Bedroom house?

  • there is no factual errors are it again…in above news mentioned that sachin tendulkar is the first cricketer in Rajya Sabha.not first sports man……ok

  • Factual error in the story. Sachin Tendulkar is not the first sportsperson in Rajya Sabha. Former hockey captain Dilip Tirkey is already there in Rajya Sabha

  • He should not have accept this post and suppose, he has accepted then he should really do some good things such that all members can inspires from him.


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