The Uttar Pradesh Police Thursday arrested mafia don Sushil, alias ‘Moonch’, wanted in more than 40 cases ranging from extortions, contract killings and murders, from a shopping mall in Rajasthan.
Additional Director General of Police (Law & Order) Arun Kumar said Sushil, whose criminal activities ranged from Uttarakhand to Rajasthan and UP, carried a cash reward of lakh.
An elite team of the state’s special task force (STF) arrested Sushil in a late night swoop from outside the Pink Square Mall, Raja Park, in Adarshnagar area of Jaipur.
The mafia don, the police official said, was a “hard nut to crack” and was trailed for over six months that involved electronic surveillance and a 24×7 intelligence low down on him.
The police official said Sushil was by far the “most wanted criminal” of Uttar Pradesh and that he had built a huge empire of organised crime.
“Sushil has invested in real estate and other businesses and we plan to hire chartered accountants and top legal aides to take his case to a logical conclusion,” Arun Kumar told IANS.
While no weapon was recovered from him at the time of arrest, police said they were working on the case and hoped to find a huge cache of automatic weapons.